27 July 2007

Ask Big Dog

Big Dog is keen to help his friends in any way he can. If you have any questions, be they personal, practical or philosophical, that you feel need to be considered from a canine viewpoint, Big Dog will attempt to answer them, albeit within the limitations of the perspective of a big dog.


Cheerful One said...

Dear Big Dog,

I have been clearing old files off my computer and now I can't get any maps to load in Googlemaps, or Multimap. How can I fix this?

Anonymous said...

Maps aren't something I know much about, as being just a big dog I'm unfamiliar with the concept of the abstract representation of geographical position. Have you tried turning it off and on again?

Cheerful One said...

This is invaluable advice, Big Dog. Thank goodness you are here.

Anonymous said...

It's a pleasure! wags tail