1 September 2012


Music Teacher August 2012

(At the time of writing I'm not sure which version ended up in the mag!)

1 August 2012

1 July 2012

1 June 2012

Crash (2)

Unpublished alternative technology special cartoon.


Music Teacher May 2012

(Technology special)

1 May 2012

A Later Age

Music Teacher April 2012

(Beethoven once told a complaining violinist that his music was written "not for you, but for a later age.")

2 April 2012


Music Teacher March 2012

(Gove accuses anyone who disagrees with him of being a "Trot".)

1 March 2012

What we need is a boat

Music Teacher February 2012

(In the midst of the cuts, Gove suggest a publicly-funded replacement for the royal yacht.)

1 February 2012


Music Teacher January 2012

(The national music plan is finally unveiled to a mixed reception.)

1 January 2012

Any minute now

Music Teacher December 2011

(Gove's national plan for music still to be announced.)